Monday, December 1, 2008


Thanksgiving was fun, and exhausting! We put on a thanksgiving in my moms ward for people who didn't have anywhere to go, and Sara and I cooked all day long on Wednesday. We had quite a turn out, about 60 people. On Thanksgiving day Andy and I went up his sisters house in Logan, and the grub was delicious! I was sick on Saturday and Sunday, but not sick enough to stop me from going to the Little America's Sunday brunch. Yummy Yummy to my tummy!

Speaking of Tummy the little man is wiggling around so I can feel him now. It feels neat! We are getting all ready for him to come. I wish he was here already. I have these little swim shorts I got for him to wear next summer, and they melt my heart every time I see them. We have the crib, dresser, stroller/car seat, and the glider will be here this week. I am pretty much set until we have the shower in March.

Names- I have come up with some good names, here are a few, most of which Andy has not agreed to, but I told him I get two votes and he only gets one. My favorite is Amman. Andy's favorite it Tristan. I also like: Benson, Carson, Calvin, and McClain. We haven't agreed on any of these but this child will have a name when he arrives.

5 Months or 22 Weeks

More than half way there!!!